Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Elizabeth's Third Movie


Sela P said...

Hi Elizabeth,

Well done on completing your 3rd movie! I don't think I made my first movie until I was about Year 4? Do you enjoy making movies as much as I do? Anyway, keep up the great work.


Sara Stewart said...

Hello Elizabeth and Room 10,
My name is Sara Stewart and I am in a technology class at the University of South Alabama which is in Mobile, Alabama in the United States. I am studying to be an elementary school teacher. I love the fact that you are so young and are making movies to show what you are learning. You really did a great job with your movie. I am in college and just made my first movie. You can view my blog at Sara Stewart's blog.
Keep up the good work and good luck!

Courtney Williams said...

Hello Elizabeth and Room 10! My name is Courtney Williams and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in the United States. I am studying to be an elementary school teacher. The video you made was amazing! Great Job! I'm in college and I just started making videos this year. I wish I had the opportunity to learn technology like you and your class is when I was your age! Keep up the great work!